The Abduction of the Divisional Officer in Cameroon."State Security Failure".
The abduction of Ewane Roland, the Divisional Officer of Idabato, on October 1st, 2024, brings to light the fragility of the state’s security apparatus, particularly in volatile regions like the Bakassi Peninsula. As a representative of the Head of State, the Divisional Officer’s abduction highlights an alarming failure in the government’s responsibility to protect its own officials and maintain sovereignty over its territory. This event underscores broader concerns about the effectiveness of the state’s security strategies and its ability to safeguard governance in regions marked by instability. In analyzing this failure, we turn to key political theories that offer a framework for understanding the dynamics at play. Realism, with its focus on state sovereignty and the state's role in ensuring security, is particularly relevant. According to realism, the primary duty of the state is to protect its citizens and representatives, and the abduction of a high-ranking official signals a...